Monday, January 18, 2010


With another festive celebration just around the corner, I’m still sitting here to contemplate whether to eat out or to cook something decent for the family reunion. Although I can always pop into the internet to search for some of the recommended restaurants, maybe I should commit myself to cooking since it would be more personal towards the family but I have some problems here. How am I going to set up the whole place to boost the atmosphere to its peak or to find the perfect combination of food to please every household member?

Do I sound panic here? Well, not exactly as I always had the faithful support from my online friends. Practically anything related to recipes, cooking advice, tips & tricks to add that magic touch to the food as well as great deals in cooking utensils are something that I would always be made aware of. What a nice bunch of friends they are to share out their culinary adventures. I was thinking about having some seafood on bamboo skewers served during dinner but never had I known that those skewers were to be soaked in water for 30 minutes prior to barbequing to avoid being burned. Thanks friend! That was one great cooking tip I needed.

Now I would need a salad recipe to go with my barbequed stuff. Maybe I should get some healthy greens or fruits or a combination of both to suit the taste buds of my parents and kids. This was again another great advice highlighted on the effects of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in our bodies and what would the relevant food be that would be suitable for our consumptions. I guessed I should also make sure everyone stays healthy during this festive season.

1 comment:

  1. depends on if you have time.. and oh! if you are a good cook! LOL
